Faith and Family by Mike and Leslie Colaw

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  • There is no such thing as “Financial Independence.”

    There is no such thing as “Financial Independence”. We dream of the day no boss can tell us what to do. We want to reclaim our most valuable resource, our time. We want the freedom to choose to do as we please when we would like to do it. This is a modern myth as…

  • The Glasses of Understanding (a parable)

    The glasses of understanding.γνῶσιςA Short Story by Mike and Emma Colaw The bell rang, and Stephanie began to close her notebook. Mr. Palin must’ve noticed she wasn’t the only one anxious to leave class and declared over the long annoying end of class bell, “The bell doesn’t dismiss you; I do.” Everyone stopped what they…

  • A Christian response to the deconstruction of the West.

    I have been trying to wrap my mind around the increasing geopolitical tensions that stand before us. My goal is to step out of the specific issues and work to understand the driving forces that perpetuate them. I suspect the riots, racial tension, hatred of government and even distrust in industry and education are the…

  • The Gospel is becoming more offensive.

    Many want to make the gospel more attractive. It took a long time for me to unpack what people meant by this and I am still working it out. For some, it’s as simple as keeping the church tidy and making sure your greeters pop a breath mint. For others, it’s hiding culturally unpopular Christian…

  • Critical Race Theory, Systemic Racism and The Ickabog

    J.K. Rowling wrote an excellent little book called The Ickabog. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it. In the book there is a monster that hides in the deep fog. There is evidence of it, yet no one knows if it’s actually real. The king is certain he has seen it. In the…

  • If The Unborn Could March

    With a soft coo and gentle kick my delicate infant smiles at me. It’s humbling to think all she needs comes from my charity.She cannot clean herself, change her clothes or even prepare a meal.For her needs to be met and heart content she’s fully dependent on how I feel. By God’s design at our…

  • Where is the king?

    Have you ever come to a place where you felt you were at the end of your strength? Couldn’t go another step or face another day? Inwardly you just had nothing left and were ready to throw in the towel and give up. Perhaps that’s where you are at this very moment. A few years…

  • An open letter to my church about the current political landscape

    This chaos is not new: Let’s be clear up front. Racism is sin. Anyone who marched or assembled on belief of manmade hierarchy isn’t Christian according to Christian doctrine (Gal. 3:28). We are all created in the image of God. However, this letter isn’t about racism. This letter is to those in my church who…

  • What to consider when choosing a career.

    (If you like this consider subscribing to the YouTube channel above and sharing the article below!) “Who here is working in the career they were educated for?” A few years ago I was teaching a group of young adults and I posed the above question. To my amazement only about a quarter of the people…

  • Daddy, hold on to me

    When one of my daughters was potty training, she had a fear of public restrooms.  The loud noises from the toilets flushing and super sonic hand driers were unsettling to her.  She also found the size of the toilets intimidating.  She must have been afraid of getting flushed because every single time she would say, “Mommy, hold on…