What my family experienced at the Asbury Revival.

I made a last minute call, cleared my schedule, and took my teenagers down to see the Asbury Revival. 

After a three hour drive we pulled into an overrun little Wilmore Kentucky. We noticed license plates on cars from all over the country, even one from Canada. 
There is no doubt people are spiritually hungry. 
After parking we jumped in line with what looked like a few hundred other people to wait for an opportunity to go into the hundred year old worship room. 

When we finally were seated it felt like a blend of incredibly unique and very familiar.
Let me touch on both. The familiar and the unique. 

What was familiar? 
The place and people were… normal.  
The music, the sanctuary, the staff. All similar quality you would find in almost any church. This was actually reassuring to me. You truly do not need an expensive stage, lights, famous pastor, killer sound system, signed worship leader,  or author seizing the emotional high to sell their latest “Secret Key to Discipleship” strategy book. 
It’s really clear to me now. None of this is necessary for the Holy Spirit to fall on a place. 
Maybe all this extra stuff even gets in the way? Maybe… 
Revival clearly doesn’t require wealth and fame. That’s not the key. 
It reminded me again that Jesus was born to a poor unknown country girl in a not so famous little stable. Jesus didn’t need fame and wealth then, he clearly doesn’t need it now. 
What does this mean? 
Revival could come to your church too. 
To the regular pastor… God can use you in supernatural ways. 
To the regular worship leader… God can use you in supernatural ways. 
To the regular church staff and volunteers… God can use you in supernatural ways. 
To those passionately pursuing talent and fame… If you have them great, but they aren’t necessary for spiritual revival. No one on K-LOVE was leading worship while I was there. God can use regular you. 

What was unique?
It was an amazing experience for my family. 
Old and young filled the room and altar. 
People were healed and people were accepting Jesus. 
On the way home I asked the kids what made the service so good. 
One of my kids simply said, “It was only about Jesus.”
“Wrap more words around that,” I responded. 
“Well dad, It feels like most churches are about Jesus and something else. Usually it’s good stuff…. But, you know, Jesus and a political thing or Jesus and a social justice thing… you know, Jesus and something else. It’s like the purpose of most services is Jesus and another thing. He’s sharing the stage in most churches.”
After a long pause he finished his thought, “Today we had church and it was just about Jesus.”
I think my kids are on to something… 
Somehow in our effort to make church “better” we surrounded the simple Gospel with a lot of other “good” things. Well, some of the extra isn’t so good… is it? 
What we discovered was actually really simple.* 
Thousands and thousands were coming from all over the country. Not because they are hungry for Jesus and politics, social justice issues, flashy lights, super star talent, or whatever extra thing we keep adding to old school simple church. I think I agree with my kids, people don’t need a busier Church and Church vision, they need  a clearer one. Maybe we all need to set our other “good” things aside and make church just about Jesus again. 

It was all so good. Praise Jesus! What a powerful experience. Our hearts are very full.

*I want to give space and grace for others who walked away with other insights. This is simply a glimpse into our family’s conversation on the way home.






10 responses to “What my family experienced at the Asbury Revival.”

  1. Debbie Hill Avatar
    Debbie Hill

    So blessed by your post! You are right it’s all about Jesus!!!❤️❤️❤️ please keep spreading the word!

    1. Rishabh Oberoi Avatar
      Rishabh Oberoi

      May the Lord give wisdom to all those who think that things and surroundings matter more than Jesus Christ. For its not the space you worship in that matters but the one whom we worship🙇🙌

      1. Vickie Wojasinski Avatar
        Vickie Wojasinski

        Love your post and 100% agree with you… was able to participate by observing the screen on the lawn as there were so many people in line to get inside. Jesus was there with us all❤️

  2. Vivalove Avatar

    “Well dad, It feels like most churches are about Jesus and something else. Usually it’s good stuff…. But, you know, Jesus and a political thing or Jesus and a social justice thing… you know, Jesus and something else. It’s like the purpose of most services is Jesus and another thing. He’s sharing the stage in most churches.”
    After a long pause he finished his thought, “Today we had church and it was just about Jesus.”
    I think my kids are on to something…
    Somehow in our effort to make church “better” we surrounded the simple Gospel with a lot of other “good” things. Well, some of the extra isn’t so good… is it? This reallly got me- JESUS IS ALL WE WANT – NOTHING ELSE AND NO ONE ELSE – OH HOW WE WANT JESUS, OUR SAVIOR OUR REDEEMER OUR LOVER AND FRIEND,…Thank you for sharing

  3. H.G. Avatar

    Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your family’s experience, Pastor. Your perspective parallels the story of Mary and Martha hosting Jesus— often in the presence of God, we must simply sit and worship at His feet. Asbury is creating a space for just that and praise God for so many who jump at the opportunity to join in.

    I believe true revival is accompanied by deep conviction to join in the work of bringing the Kingdom of God here on earth. It is accompanied by action that goes far beyond an isolated act of confession and repentance. Revival is a disgust with everything that is not pleasing to God as defined by His Word.

    I am still waiting to see if the event at Asbury evolves into revival. Please understand that I don’t think it’s a BAD thing to have a space to join other Christians in worship and in seeking the Lord. That’s wonderful. But I am looking for fruits of the Spirit that extend beyond the walls of the chapel as evidence of changed hearts and minds in a supernatural way.

    Jesus should not be “sharing the stage,” as your son put it, with anyone or anything. However, when true conviction is accompanied by action, I would expect to see churches highly involved in politics and social causes. There are times to submit in worship, and other times to stand up as a hero of faith and join in the battle. A church that does not take outward action to identify and combat ALL evils, out of love for God and other people, is not showing evidence of conviction. I think we sometimes become so self-absorbed by our own spiritual walk that we forget that we are in the middle of a vicious war for the hearts and souls of others. I’m thankful for churches that are known for being other things in addition to a place of worship… not to share the stage with Jesus or diminish His worthiness, but to acknowledge that we have an active role to play in a fallen world.

    Again, I am not critiquing or disagreeing with your experience. Just adding to the conversation. I have high hopes that the event at Asbury will be a spiritual turning point and result in many lives saved. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  4. Mike & Leslie Colaw Avatar

    Thanks for the response. From the perspective of a younger conservative passionate follower of Jesus, the continual hinted nudge we feel to elevate politics is producing the opposite desire in our hearts. If you really do want to understand where the younger conservative believers are coming from it would be well worth you time to check out the video below. I wonder if many of the older generation think we are against them when in fact we just want something so much better than a man made system. These younger people really want Jesus. Please do check out the video at the link below. https://www.facebook.com/625632344/videos/182960974046766/

  5. Vickie Wojasinski Avatar
    Vickie Wojasinski

    Love your post and 100% agree with you… was able to participate by observing the screen on the lawn as there were so many people in line to get inside. Jesus was there with us all❤️ was able to hear the testimonies of those young people 25 and under.. eye opening yet not surprised either considering the state of the world

  6. Agent X Avatar

    I’ve been looking into this revival thingy in recent days, hoping to learn more about it. I am grateful for God’s movement, and for finding your blog. Thanx for helping me think about this.

    got revival?

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